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ABSR Community Foundation
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      ABSR Events for 2024
Winterfest event         Feb 24
Easter Egg Hunt Mar 30
Spring Mustard Pull TBD
Memorial Day Coffee May 27
Garden & Art Walk July 13
Necktie 5K & Walk June 15
Summerfest July 27
ABSR Annual                  Sept. 7
Halloween                      TBD
Holiday Hop(e) TBD KOBS Tree Decorating, TBD

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ABSR Mailing Address:
PO Box 458
Beverly Shores, IN 46301-0458
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2024 Sand Tracks Editors:
Dec (2023) Dean Conrad
Jan Donna Excell-Steffel
Feb Janene Jonas
Mar          Marvin Makinen
Apr           Diana Stezalski
May Janene Jonas
June  Diana Stezalski
July Donna Excell-Steffel
Aug Dean Conrad
Sept  Janene Jonas
Oct Donna Excell-Steffel
Nov        Diana Stezalski
Dec          Dean Conrad
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HomeAbout ABSR

Our Mission:

To promote the well being of the community, to give voice to the concerns of its residents, to foster community spirit, and to keep residents informed and take appropriate action on matters of interest and concern to the Town of Beverly Shores.

Please Consider Donating to ABSR:

ABSR Donation - General Fund

Guiding Principles

Our efforts will be guided and informed by our commitment to:

  • Inclusiveness—we welcome all residents.
  • Nonpartisanship—we are not affiliated with any political party.
  • Openness—we are committed to a culture of collaboration and transparency.
  • Partnerships—we are committed to establishing partnerships in the community to achieve our mission.
  • Unbiased Information—we recognize the power and value of our role as an independent, unbiased resource for Beverly Shores.
  • Volunteerism—we value and recognize the contribution of volunteers.
Events, Initiatives and Community Contributions:

Communications Committee

  • New format and larger Sand Tracks.
  • Monthly reporting of Town Council meetings.
  • ABSR E-Mail tree.
  • ABSR Website.
  • Sponsoring of Candidate Nights, and special election issues of Sand Tracks during local election years.
  • Special issue of Sand Tracks sent to all residents following the 2006 storm.
  • Big Year Birding Challenge on website.


Environment Committee

  • Information and communication on recycling and household hazardous waste.
  • Identified safest form of mosquito abatement, and encouraged the Town to initiate an abatement program that began in 2009.
  • Ongoing monitoring for West Nile Virus.
  • Conducted research on ground and surface water levels during the 2006-2009 years of high water; worked with the Town to propose a Hydrology Study from the National Parks/USGS issued in 2011.
  • The Dark Skies Initiative – Led education efforts and a fundraising campaign for the Town to convert all Town street lights to downward-shielded fixtures.   Led effort resulting in the International Dark Sky Association designating Beverly Shores the world's 7th Dark Sky Community.
  • Town Clean-up & Garlic Mustard Pull.
  • Development of Steep Slope Ordinance with Plan Commission.

 Community Programs (Program Committee)

  • Easter Egg Hunt.
  • Smelt Fry/Picnic following Town Clean-up.
  • Necktie 5K Walk and Run.
  • Summerfest.
  • Halloween Party.
  • Holiday Hop.
  • Sunday Speaker Series (co-sponsored with the Depot).
Membership Committee
  • Memorial Day Coffee.
  • Membership Incentives.

Contributions to the Park Board

  • Rebora Plaza landscaping installation and annual maintenance.
  • Lituanica Park warming hut repair and clean-up.
  • Lituanica Park porta-potty.
  • Shore Avenue beach stairs.
  • Disc Golf Course at Lituanica Park.
  • Contribution to American Lithuanian Club for improvements to Lituanica Park.


Contributions to Dunes Woman’s Club

  • Community House roof repair.
  • Community House driveway repaving.
  • Jack Gallagher Memorial Garden.
  • Community House new furnace.


Contributions to the broader community / Town of Beverly Shores

  • Beautification and annual maintenance of Four Corners at Beverly Drive & Broadway.
  • Beautification of Route 12 and Lake Shore County Road.
  • Administration Building landscape maintenance.
  • Storm clean-up.
  • Waste Transfer Station education.
  • New Beverly Shores welcome signs.
  • Tree of Heaven eradication (co-sponsored with ERG).
  • Paint striper for Beverly Shores streets.
  • New letters for Ad Building Bulletin Board (co-sponsored with DWC).
  • Alliance with, and matching contributions made to, the ABSR Community Foundation.


Contributions to the Depot Museum and Gallery

  • Annual donations to support staffing.


ABSR demonstrates month-by-month and year-by-year that it takes a community of giving and committed volunteers working together to achieve the amazing things we accomplish every year in Beverly Shores.